GIS Export and Report Generator.
The GIS Export and HTML Report generator serves a few functions. It can use the Report Generator to
create HTML reports for sessions and store them in the “GISReports” folder. It can also export data collected
from sessions into a database that is compatible for the POSM to ArcMap Import Tool. It can also create a
calculated X and Y export database, that exports observation data and its X and Y position and links them to
an HTML report. It is recommended that the POSM database, video and reports be stored in a folder location
that is Web enabled. This allows users with web browsers to easily view any report generated by POSM. It
also allows permissions to easily be set on the POSM folder.
- Launch POSM to begin creating HTML reports for POSM sessions.
- Click “Export GIS and HTML Data” button to begin.
- “Check All” sessions.
- Click “Find GIS Match” button.
- This will create a ‘NoGISmatch.txt’ in the POSM folder, which recreates each time match is run.
- C:\POSM\NoGISmatch.txt
- Inappropriate sessions (i.e. lateral videos, etc.) can be removed from database so they don’t keep returning these records in the NoGISmatch.txt.
- In ‘Database Field’ dropdown list select “Sessions Modified.”
- Set “Data Value” to “True” and click “Search.”
- This will show in the window how many sessions have been modified since last export.
- Make sure all are checked (‘Check All’) and then “Create HTML Reports.”
- All checked sessions are now being converted to HTML reports. The status of completion is given in the lower left.
- Close.
After the export is complete, go into the POSM folder on the fileserver and copy the “PosmGISData.mdb.”
- This file should be copied to a media device to be written to the inspection vehicles’ POSM folder.
- Once the new “PosmGISData.mdb” is overwritten to the inspection vehicles’ POSM folder, data will be available to pre-load existing map data to the POSM header via the “Asset ID” button.