Import CSV GIS Data.

This screen is form importing GIS data into POSM. The data is stored in the POSM\PosmGISData.mdb database. Information stored here functions much like POSM MapReader, it enables users to pre-populate the inspection header with existing asset data from GIS.

POSM can import GIS data directly if It is in is CSV (Comma Separated Format). Typically the data will be setup with the Pipe information, Upstream Manhole, and Downstream Manhole information already joined on each row the of the file.

The following is an example of a CSV file with the Pipe, Upstream and Downstream information joined together.

The CSV data is then selected in POSM. Highlight the file then click Select Data File. Each of the dropdowns on the right will then be loaded with the header row from the CSV file. Line up the columns from the CSV with the POSM special fields. To save the settings that have been lined up press the Export Settings button. They can then be reloaded later, by pressing Import Settings. This makes it faster for GIS updates when more manholes and pipes have been added to the system. Before starting the import, it may be necessary to clear out the current GIS database. This can be done by pressing the “Delete All Assets” button. This will not delete session data it will only clear out the POSMGISdata.mdb database. To begin importing, press the “Start Import” button. The Row Numbers will increase as it imports the GIS data.

To use the new GIS data, start a new session and press the “Asset ID”, “Start ID”, or “End ID” buttons. The newly imported data should show up in the search drop downs.