Import POSM Mobile Data.

POSM Mobile is a custom Android application based on ODK.

POSM Mobile InfoGraphic

POSM Mobile Application

POSM (Pipeline Observation System Management) Mobile Data Collection is an Android application used in the field for collecting inspection data of sewer infrastructures. The main focus of the application is for inspecting sewer manholes and smoke tests. The application can capture observation data with images, video, and GPS points. POSM Mobile’s collection forms and templates can be customized for users by POSM. It can also be modified to perform other types of inspections.

The inspection data is stored in the POSM Mobile cloud and can be printed or reviewed through the POSM Mobile Cloud Website. Inspections can be downloaded into POSM desktop software. Using POSM desktop software (, inspections can be stored locally, edited, reviewed, and exported. POSM Desktop software can export inspection data into Microsoft Access databases; it can generate PDF and HTML reports that can be saved on DVD, network, or flash drives. 

All POSM Mobile inspection data can be viewed in real time at:

Map View of Inspections in POSM Mobile Cloud Website.

POSM Mobile Data Website

POSM Mobile Workflow Overview.

Using any Android Tablet or Phone device, POSM can now import data collected out in the field. Custom forms may be created to capture data out in the field. These forms can consist of: text, numeric, radio button list, GPS (internal or Bluetooth), or picture/video capture input.

Just like POSM Desktop Software, the user can capture header data to describe information about the inspection, and then collect observations for the inspection that include pictures and GPS tags.

Android Home Screen to Start POSM Mobile Data Collection.

POSM Mobile Overview

POSM Mobile Start Screen.

POSM Mobile Overview

Choose a Form to Fill Out and Inspect.

POSM mobile forms can be customized for many types of inspection. Smoke Testing, Manhole, Lateral, Side Walk, Pot Hole Inspection. Any form that a customer has may be converted into a POSM mobile collection.

POSM Mobile Overview

Date and Time Entry.

POSM Mobile Overview

Text Input Entry.

Entry screens for text and numeric may be setup. Entry screens may also be set to required which does not allow the user to continue until they fill out a value. Numeric input screens show only the number inputs with larger numbers making it easier to fill out.

POSM Mobile Overview

Radio Button List.

Radio button list allow custom lists to be created. The user may only select one value.

POSM Mobile Overview

Checklist Input.

Check list input allows the user to select multiple entries quickly.

POSM Mobile Overview

Picture or Image Input.

Image capture input allows the user to take a picture with built in camera or select an image from their gallery.

POSM Mobile Overview

GPS Input.

Record location allows the user to capture location and position.

POSM Mobile Overview

Add Observations.

The Add observation screen allows the user to input observations for this inspection. Observations may include the same input forms as the standard inspection. Text, Numeric, Radio, List, Picture, Video and GPS data fields may all be used for each observation.

POSM Mobile Overview

POSM Mobile Overview

POSM Mobile Overview

POSM Mobile Overview

Saving Form and Uploading to the Cloud.

Once the form data has been collected, it is uploaded to the cloud server. If the user has a wireless connection (Wi-Fi or Mobile) they may upload inspections from the field. The user may also wait until the end of the day and upload all inspections from the office Wi-Fi internet. The cloud server is a SSL encrypted location that has a unique domain setup for each customer. The domain is user and password protected.

POSM Mobile Overview

Map View of Inspections with Tabular View.

Inspections are saved on the POSM Mobile Cloud Website. Inspection data and locations are accessible through the web interface. Inspections can be printed out from the site.

Once the data is collected it may also be exported from the cloud for download into POSM Desktop Software. A mapping is created in POSM to map the form collection fields to POSM templates and observation fields.

POSM Mobile Overview

POSM Import CSV Data Mapping.

Once the mapping has been created, the data may be imported into a POSM database.  The picture files will be streamed off the cloud server and stored into a POSM directory.  Reports can now be printed or summarized inside POSM.

POSM Mobile Overview

POSM Mobile Imported Title Page.

POSM Mobile Overview