Starting POSM opens the Database Connection Manager. This form allows the user to enter registration keys to unlock POSM. The main function of the Database Connection Manager is to add, edit or delete MS Access and SQL databases.
In order to run POSM, the software must be registered. To register the software login to, call or email POSM support. You will need to provide the 16 digit product key and the Encoder Serial that POSM provides. POSM Support will provide the 16 digit registration key. Enter the key in the Registration Key field and press “Set Registration Key”. If the key is correct the software will register itself and allow the user to continue.
Opens the currently selected Database.
Opens the form to add a new Access or SQL database connection.
Removes the currently selected database connection from the list.
Allows the user to edit the properties of a database connection.
Will update the core files needed to run POSM for the selected database connection.
When only one database is used the database connection manager can be automatically by-passed by checking the “By pass this screen and always use Default Database” checkbox. The manager can always be opened again by pressing the “Database Connection Manager” button in the introduction form.
This window will allow the user to restore the POSM database back to previously backed up databases. This is used in the event that the POSM.mdb MS Access database crashes.
Tutorial: How to Restore a Corrupt POSM Database.