POSM Command Line Reference.

POSM has many command line switches to allow automated tasks to be run with POSM. To use the command line switches, launch POSM with a / Command. POSM.exe Command Line Commands

• Start a new POSM Session /S Example: POSM.exe /S
• Select a Template in POSM /T Example: POSM.exe /S /T NASSCO PACP
• Select an AssetID /AID Example: POSM.exe /S /AID A-2 to A-1
• Enter a Work Order Number /WO Example: POSM.exe /S /WO WO1234
• Start a Session without a template selected /M Example: POSM.exe /M
• Start Session Management /SSM Example: POSM.exe /SSM Example 2: POSM.exe /SSM /AID A-2 to A-1 (Starts Session Management sand searches for an asset ID)
• Select a POSM Database Connection /C Example: POSM.exe /C POSM SQL
• Generate POSM HTML Reports (Run step 1,2,3 in Export GIS and HTML) /G Example: POSM.exe /C POSM SQL /G
• Run POSM Import Tool /I Example: POSM.exe /I