When working with many inspections and/or inspections that require multiple attempts from any direction to complete, a method had to be devised to track which inspections were complete or incomplete. When a GIS project is created for POSM typically a Map is published that includes a PosmGISData.mdb access database. A new special field has been created called “Full Segment Inspection Complete”. This special field accepts a Yes/No, True/False value. Using this field the operator can choose if a line is fully inspected to the best of their knowledge. Many times it takes 2 or 3 inspections to fully clear a line complete. While each inspection has a complete field of if the operator was able to complete the inspection, there was not a field for if the line was fully completed. By adding this field to the POSM template the operator can now choose after the 2 or 3 inspection of if they fully completed the inspection of the line.
To check the status of how many lines in the have been finished and how many are left to complete. A function in Session Management was created called, “GIS Inspection Status”. To update the PosmGISData.mdb database with inspection status, go to Session Management. Click on the Exports Tab. Click the “GIS Inspection Status” button.
Click the “Open POSM GIS Data” button and choose the location of the PosmGISData.mdb file. This is usually in the POSM folder or in the published PMF folder. To process the inspections press the “Process Inspections” button. Once complete a list of all pipes that are left to complete will pop up. Its name is, “IncompleteInspections.csv”. “IncompleteInspections.csv” is a comma separated file that can be opened in notepad or excel.
This file contains the Pipe ID (asset ID), Address (Asset Location), City (City), and number of inspections of the Pipe ID. This function also updates the POSMGISdata.mdb file with a True or False (Yes/No) value of Full Inspection Complete and the number of inspections for that asset. If the database does not have these fields yet, it will add them to the database before exporting the database.
Using this data, the operator can now determine which lines they have left to inspect.