POSM Web SOP Manual

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Table Of Contents

Session Management

User Management

Session Search

View / Edit Headers

View / Edit Observations

Edit Observations

To begin each user must log into POSM Web.

Once logged in the user is presented with the Session Management screen.

Session Management

The side panels for options can be reduced to save space. The POSM Menu on the left can be expanded and contracted by pressing the three lines on the upper left side of the window. Its menu includes:

On the upper right-side panel, the user has the option to Start New Session and open the Session search panel.

The center panel allows the user to see the selected search results. By default, the system will display the latest 100 inspections. By selecting an inspection, the user may choose to: Edit Headers, Edit Observations, or Reset Filters.

The navigation section allows the user to choose how many sessions to display per page and to navigate pages when more sessions exist in the current query.

User Management

To edit a user, press the three vertical dot ellipses next to the user’s name. This menu is only available to users who have the role of Admin.

Edit user allows the administrative user to change a user’s name and their role.

The user role dropdown contains:

Admin: Full access Read/Write to POSM session headers, observations, search queries, and users editing

User: Read/Write access to POSM session headers, observations, and search queries.

View-Only: Read only access to POSM session headers, observations, and search queries.

Guest: Read only anonymous access to POSM session headers and observations

The Active checkbox allows a user to have its access temporarily removed but not delete their credentials from the system.

Edit password allows the user to create a new password for the selected user.

Delete user will prompt a confirmation if the user should be deleted.

The Add user button will open an add user window. The administrator must enter a username, password, role and if the account is to be active or not. To save the changes press Save, to cancel the add user press Cancel.

Session Search

POSM Webs session search has been resigned for more powerful search options into a POSM database.

A user may search by Any template which will search POSM’s indexed fields for each template, or they may choose a specific template to search sessions.

For commonly used search items such as Project Name, Dates, Start (Upstream) ID, End (Downstream), Asset ID, Inspection Direction and Locations the user may type in values to dropdown box. More than one search box may be used at one time. To begin searching for a value type in the first letter or number of the value to search. The system will begin searching for matching values once a value has been entered. Using the % value will search for matching values with a wildcard option. For example, S% would search for all values with S at the beginning of the value.

Advanced Search allows the user to search for multiple fields at the same time with And/Or statements.

With an And search the values searching must be part of the session.

With an Or search the values can be either value entered as part of the search.

Conditions may be added to the search by pressing the + button and then selecting Add Condition.

Group Searches may be created by pressing the + button and selecting Add Group option.

In this example the user is searching for all sessions in the project TC4 that have Deposits or Roots in them.

View / Edit Headers

After a session is checked the user may view or edit the header information by clicking Edit Headers.

Each tab of the header will display up to 10 header fields for the selected tab. A template in POSM may have up to 20 tabs of data. If the user has permissions, they may edit these header fields. To Save any changes press the orange Save button on the bottom right of the window. To close the header without saving press the grey Close button.

View / Edit Observations

To view the observations and video for a session, check a session from the session management list and then click Edit Observations from the menu.

By default, the Edit Observations window will be in viewer mode. This allows the user to view the video for the inspection, plot page, observations, and associated images. To play the video move the mouse over the video and click the triangle play button. Once playing the video may be paused by pressing the double line pause button. Using the video window slider the video position can be moved forward and backwards.

To jump to a specific observation the user may click on the observation from the plot or by selecting the triple dot ellipsis and clicking on Jump to.

Selecting View Observation will open the observations data window.

The View Observation window will display only the required and optional fields for the selected observation.

Clicking on the Images tab will allow the user to view the recorded observation image for the selected observation.

Images for the selected observation may also be viewed by selecting the observation from the observation list and selecting View Images.

Edit Observations

To add / edit observations the user must have the proper edit permissions for their user login. Once a session has been selected and the Edit Observations button is selected, the user must press the Green Play button on the upper right of the Edit Observations window.

In Edit mode the user may add new videos, take observation images, create observations, and edit observations.

To add or remove a video from a session press the orange Manage Videos button.

A video file may be added by pressing the orange Add button. To remove a video, press the trashcan icon next to the video to be deleted. To close the manager videos window, press the Close button.

Once the user has selected Begin editing an observation may be deleted by selecting Delete from the observation ellipsis drop down.

A conformation box will appear. To delete the observation, select Yes. Clicking Cancel will close the delete menu without deleting the observation.

To add a new observation, click the + Add Observation button from the upper right side of the edit observations window.

Once selected the Add observation window will appear. The user may select a hot button to quickly find an observation. Or select an observation to be added from the Observation drop down menu. Selecting a Category will display only the observations that are grouped into the selected Category.

When an observation has been selected the user will be presented with up to 19 observation edit fields. Only required and optional fields will be displayed. To capture an image while adding the observation ensure the Take Picture box is checked before saving the observation. To save the observation press the Save button, this will save and close the Add Observation window. Pressing Save and Add Another will save and keep the Add Observation window open. If the user chooses to cancel the add observation, press the close button to close the Add Observation window.

An AMH – Access Point Manhole has been added to the inspection.

The user may make changes to the session header while editing the observations by selecting the blue Edit Headers button from the upper right corner of the window.

To finish editing press the red End Editing button from the upper right corner of the observation edit window.

When the End Editing button has been selected a pop-up window will ask if this inspection is complete. Choosing yes will flag this inspection as completed, choosing No will flag this inspection as not complete.

Once the inspection has been marked complete or not complete the inspection goes back into view observation mode.

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