Report Editor.

The Title Page or Header Page creates an HTML report from the session information data that was entered. This report can be modified by using the POSM Header Page Report Editor. Each template used in POSM must have a title page template. Any aspect of the template can be changed such as pictures, font size, items shown, background, and the layout of the report itself. 3rd party editors such as Adobe Dreamweaver or any other HTML editor may be used to modify the template itself. The HTML title page templates reside in the folder POSM\Templates. The name of the file correlates with the name of the template.

The information filled into the report comes from the template's field number in the Database Template Editor. For reference, open POSM, go to the Database Template Editor, Select the template. The field numbers are the row numbers from database template.

Note: The Report Editor requires Microsoft's DHTML Editor Component (DhtmlEd.msi) be installed for the application to run. This installer is usually in the default POSM Install Disc folder. Otherwsise contact POSM Technical Support for assistance setting up the editor.

News Article: Useful Apps: POSM Report Editor