Start New Session.

Once Start New Session is initiated, the Session Information window will appear. Templates can be changed by choosing a template from the Select Template drop-down. Each template has different data and observations associated with it.

The user must ensure they fill in as much asset data as accurately as possible about the asset they are inspection. Pink fields are required to be filled in prior to proceeding to the inspection window. Non-highlighted fields are optional. In some instances there are blue highlighted fields, they are set to be filled in after the visual survey is completed. If there are Post inspection, blue fields in a template, the Session Information Window will pop back up after the visual survey has concluded.

Select Template.

When starting a session the first step is to select a template. The Session Information page will change every time a session is selected unless the templates are identical. Once a template has been chosen the data may be entered into each of the fields under the row of tabs.

POSM Mode.

The POSM template is a basic inspection template that can be imported and exported between other POSM installations, regardless of version.


To enable PACP mode in POSM select the NASSCO PACP template. This will change all of the header fields to NASSCO Certified header fields and set the requirements to NASSCO PACP. This will also tell POSM to use PACP observation codes in the main data entry form. When a report is generated a special tab will appear to print the PACP formatted header entry. When the session is exported, an extra database will be exported that is the NASSCO PACP standard database.


To enable MACP mode in POSM select the NASSCO MACP template. This will change all of the header fields to NASSCO Certified header fields and set the requirements to NASSCO MACP. This will also tell POSM to use MACP observation codes in the main data entry form. When a report is generated a special tab will appear to print the MACP formatted header entry. When the session is exported, an extra database will be exported that is the NASSCO MACP standard database. The traditional header for MACP has been replaced by the newer, dedicated MACP interface.


To enable LACP mode in POSM select the NASSCO LACP template. This will change all of the header fields to NASSCO Certified header fields and set the requirements to NASSCO LACP. This will also tell POSM to use LACP observation codes in the main data entry form. When a report is generated a special tab will appear to print the LACP formatted header entry. When the session is exported, an extra database will be exported that is the NASSCO LACP standard database.


A template must have at least one tab of information and it can have up to five tabs. Every template can name the tabs differently. Under each tab there can be up to ten fields of data. To move between the tabs of data, click on the name of the tab. There is no need to click the save button between tabs, POSM will remember the values as the user switches back and forth.


There are three types of fields that may be displayed. The first is a text box. The user can type in any alphanumeric character in this box, unless a requirement has been placed on this field. The second is a dropdown box. With a drop down, the user can type into the box or select a previously typed entry. Previous entries will only show up from the current template. Lastly there are checkboxes. These are either on or off. The value can be changed by either checking or un-checking the box. Any field that is Pink requires the user to enter data in before continuing.


Certain special fields have buttons associated with them. These are date, Asset ID, Start ID, and End ID. By clicking on the date button, the current date and time will be placed into the field next to it. By clicking on the Asset ID, Start ID, or End ID the find manhole number page will be displayed. When a manhole or asset number is selected all of the fields that have been marked with an asset, start or end special field will be filled in by POSM. If the start or end latitude and longitude have been imported they will be placed into the GIS tab.


The GIS tab allows the user to enter GPS coordinates of the start and end asset. If coordinates are being entered in manually with direction, degrees, minutes, and seconds they must be converted to decimal degrees. To do this, click the convert Deg to Dec button. To double check the coordinates click the Calculate Pipe Len button to calculate the length of these two points. Once the decimal points exist, POSM will create a file named “gis.csv” when exporting the run. This text file will contain the coordinates of each observation added with POSM. POSM also supports State Plane GIS coordinates. When state plane coordinates are detected POSM will create a GisStatePlane.mdb database and CSV file that has the calculated state plane of each observation. After the pipe length has been calculated it can be pushed to the Pipe length field by pressing the “Insert Into Asset Length Field” button.

Cancel Session Edit.

Cancel Session Edit will close the session information page without saving and take the user back to the previous form.

Quick Fill All.

Quick Fill Allallows the user to quickly fill in all of the information from the previous run. Typically in a project most of the information is the same. By clicking Quick Fill All the user only has to click the date button to change the date and time. Then the manhole numbers and other varying information are changed before starting a session. Quick Fill All will fill in all of the tabs for this template. There is no need to click Quick Fill All after clicking each tab. This action will actually change any data on tabs that have already been changed.

Save Information and Return to Intro.

Save Information and Return to Intro will save all of the entered data to the database and take the user back to the introduction page.

Save Info and Start Inspection.

Save Info and Start Inspection will save all of the entered data to the database and either open the data logging page or take the user back to the previous page.