Session Management is a powerful interface which allows users to search and sort data as well as initiate most functions in POSM Software.
The Session Management form allows the user to search for sessions, save, print, create summary reports, burn CDs and DVDs, and delete sessions from the POSM database. To begin searching for data, select the template to search within. Then select an item from the Search For drop down. Every field in the template can be an item to search for as well as Dates, Fault Names, Positions, and Severity Levels. Once an item has been selected, a Data value must be selected. The Where Data value box will be filled with values that may be used. When searching for dates the calendar pop up will display. Refer to the Calendar Pop section for more information on using the calendar. To search for the values selected, click the Search button.
The Search Results box will fill with sessions once the Search button is pressed. All of the results may be selected by checking the Select All box, or individual reports may be selected by checking the boxes in front of each session. When a session has been checked or highlighted, it will display the details for that session on the right. The Session Size will indicate how large the session is.
Once the results have been selected they can be saved to the temporary CD folder by clicking Save. When the Save button is pressed, POSM will begin to create the HTML pages for each session. In order to export pictures and video to a folder the Export Sessions to a Folder or Drive button should be used. POSM will respond with a Done box when it has finished generating the temporary folder.
The Print button will print all of the reports for each selected session. The Resume button will resume the currently highlighted session. The Reports button will open the Report Generator to the currently highlighted session.
The Delete button will delete all of the currently selected sessions. It will confirm that really want to delete the sessions. Once the sessions are deleted, they cannot be undeleted. Make sure that the sessions have been burned or moved and you are sure that it is ok to remove the session from the database.
The Summary Report button will generate a short summary for all of the selected sessions. This report will show up at the bottom of the index page if View Reports is clicked.
When generating the temporary CD folder, make sure to pay attention to the CD folder size. If burning to CD media make sure the CD folder size does not go over 700 MB. When burning a DVD the size cannot exceed 4.3 GB.
Individual reports can be removed from the temporary CD by checking the boxes in front of the session in the Report CD list, then clicking Delete Selected Report. The report can be re-added by searching for that session then saving it back into the CD folder.
To view the currently complied CD, click the View Temp button. This will open the Index.html in the Report CD folder in the computer’s web browser.
To burn the current CD or DVD, press the Record CD/DVD button. This will open the disc burning application.
Once the CD or DVD has been burned click the Clear Report CD button to empty out the temporary Report CD folder. This does not delete the sessions from the database, it only deletes the sessions from the temporary folder. To delete sessions from the database, the sessions must be searched for and selected, then press the delete button.